Ark Web Design

How Long Does It Take To Rank On Google

Greg | CEO & Developer
Written on: November 26, 2022
The CEO & Lead developer for Ark Web Design. Let me personally help take your business to entirely new levels across the Internet.

In This Article

How long does it take to rank on Google

So exactly how long does it take to rank on Google? The one thing I can absolutely with 100% proven facts, it takes anywhere from 6 months to a full year to truly begin seeing measurable results.

What is so very sad is how many ads we see across various social media outlets claiming they have the ability to get you to the top of the search engines with days of being listed.

Let me straight out tell you, that is nothing more than a lie.

In addition, if they’re telling you that, chances are they’re using techniques that are referred to across the SEO industry as “Black Hat” tactics, which will hurt your site’s credibility and end up getting you de-listed.

How Long Does It Take To Rank On Google – What It Takes

First of all, the first and foremost important criteria above any beyond any keyword strategies, is how well your site delivers across mobile devices.

Just a couple of year’s ago, Google released a new algorithm the measures the performance of your website on mobile devices.

It’s crucial to understand that nearly 93% of all searches conducted in todays times come from mobile devices.

People today are pushed for time and are trying to find answers to their searches in record time. This means that your site has to load in just over 1 millisecond.

I know that sounds quick, but let’s take a little look into why that is so important.

Keep in mind, not every location has access to 5G network availability. So your site should be designed and developed to ensure it loads as quick on 4G or LTE networks as quick as it does on 5G or WiFi connections.

Here is a snipped I took of our website. Notice the result is from the mobile view. The area of importance is FCP, or First Contentful Paint. Of course there are other factors that play into the speed factors as well.

In addition, proper sizing and compression of images plays a huge role in these numbers as well.

Let’s examine some additional things you need to examine to help explain how long does it take to rank on Google.

The first thing that plays a strategic and vital role in achieving a quick loading website design is the code at the very core of your design.

It shouldn’t be any hidden secret that most web design agencies, to include ours, rely upon using modern page builders.

The difference is that we choose to use a builder that is lean and doesn’t rely on a host of Java Script libraries or calls of JQuery. These things along with bloated code can be extremely detrimental to the loading of your site in a short fashion.

Establishing Domain Authority – How Long Does It Take To Rank On Google

What is domain authority? It means that your site has been deemed to be credible in the information that it provides to the public.

This is achieved by your click rates as well as backlinks to other sites that have credible domain authority as well.

In addition, backlinks play a huge role in helping to get you listed higher in the search results page.

Let’s take a look at “Keywords.”

If you’ve ever talked to a web design agency, I’m sure you’ve heard them reference using “Keywords” throughout your website.

Yes they are important, but the days of “keyword stuffing” have long gone by and will now get you penalized as opposed to shown favor by the Google gods.

Should You Use Any AI Writing Assistants?

While you can use them to help you write the basics, Google’s crawlers have become smart in the fact that they can tell that your content wasn’t written by a human, but an AI assistant.

In the beginning, this was okay, as many people didn’t know how to write long form content that generates clicks.

However, with so many of these tools beginning to show up as a credible tool to help you deliver that content, now they are not favored as well by Google.

Internal Linking – Why Is This Imortant?

Not only is it crucial to have backlinks to your site, it’s even more important to be linking to content upon your site.

I’ve already provided an illustration of this a little earlier in this article.

Google want to see you linking to other content contained on your website, as it helps to provide more content to your visitors that may prove to be helpful for what they are looking for.

Having all the tools in place, also, helps in determining how long it takes to rank on Google.

Your Google Business Profile

If I could only tell you the number of website designs we have performed for various businesses that were NOT listed on Google My Business.

Having your business listed on Google helps to not only provide you with more visibility, in addition it helps to get you listed on Google Maps.

Believe it or not, Google Maps can help you gain as much exposure to your business as even the website itself. They both go hand in hand when it comes to determining how long it takes to rank on Google.

Let’s Talk Content – How Long Does It Take To Rank On Google

A website without quality content, might as well not waste their time even being online.

I’m going to give it to you straight. If you’re not willing to put as much into your online presence and marketing strategies, as you do to your actual business, you might as well pack it all in.

At the end of the day, content is king and plays a massive role in helping you to establish both domain authority, as well as enabling Google to see you as a valuable source on content that will be useful to the people you are trying to attract.

So how long does it take to rank on Google? If you take everything into factor and follow proven strategies, you can expect that to really begin seeing the impacts of your searchability across the web to take between 6 month’s to a complete year.

You may be thinking to yourself that seems like a long time.

How long exactly did it take to build Rome? From a more practical view, how long did it take you to get your business off the ground and being to show any sort of profitability?

I can assure you that none of the above happened overnight.

So when you are seriously looking into how long it takes to rank on Google, you have to take the whole picture into consideration.

Is it worth it to invest into Google Ads? I will say it is truly a matter of opinion. First, you need to have an established amount or idea of how much you can afford to something like PPC ads. This can get pretty pricey depending on how you are wanting to expand your reach.

We have business website’s that have never paid for PPC and rank at the top of every search that we have set up for their site based on the content and keyword structuring.

Having solid content, a properly structure website, and a host of other things goes hand in hand in helping to determine of how long does it takes to rank on Google.

Let’s Start Now And Help You Grow Your Online Presence

The first place to start is in having a quality website design. We’re a great choice. Your not a client or customer to us. You’re a part of our family. We take your interest in growing your online presence to heart.

We understand the challenges that exist in trying to compete in the online global dominance.

We’re not just here to help you thrive, we’re here to help you achieve the heights of success you have only dreamed about.

So if you’re serious in getting more traffic to your website, then use any of the contact buttons or forms across our website to get started.

Trust me when I say, you won’t be disappointed and once a little time has passed by, you’ll ask yourself what took you so long to get connected with us here at Ark Web Design.

Are you ready to elevate your online presence?

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