Starting a new podcast isn’t as difficult as you may be thinking. With the introduction of several quality podcast hosting providers, more accessible equipment, and an audience waiting to here your content, there hasn’t been a better time to get started.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past let’s say past 5 years, podcasting has grown in popularity as much as the old fashioned radio.
With virtually unlimited niches that you can dive into, there is an audience of eager listener’s just waiting to hear what you may produce.
Just like a website, having a podcast does require a bit more horsepower. This is where we are going to recommend Castos specifically to host your audio files and deliver them back into your website dynamically.
Why do we recommend separate hosting for your podcast audio files, it’s simple. Audio files can begin to consume space quickly and eat away at your available storage on typical web hosting.
Castos’ platform is optimized for hosting your audio files and having them integrated directly back into your site dynamically. In addition, you can even control how you want your stream’s feed to feed into other platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and a whole host of other possibilites.
As indicated above, starting an creating a podcast is an amazing tool that allows your voice and opinion on subject matters to get out to the masses without having to spend hundred’s of dollars on other unconventional methods.
Of course you’ll want a team to help you style up your podcasting page on your website. This is where our website design team comes into play.
We’ll get you all styled up and help you achieve the dream look of a podcast that will be second to none!
Needless to say, if you’re going to record a podcast to be able to upload and make available to the masses, it will take some equipment to get you started.
While I have had a few people start with nothing more than their smartphone, I would like to get you pointed in the right direction from jump street.
The first thing you will need is a DAW. What’s a DAW? It’s a digital audio workstation. In short, it is software that will allow you to capture your voice to be able to download after editing (if you so choose) and upload to your podcast hosting provider to be shown on your website.
Secondly, you’re going to need a mic to capture your amazing content. You don’t have to start big to get in the game. I’ve been using a AudioTechnica ATR2100 for year’s and does just fine. However, if you want to get in the game and go “BIG” from the start, then I recommend the Sure MV7, which is a USB microphone that comes with software to truly elevate your voice to new levels.
Anytime I have assisted anyone in getting started with a podcast, I have always recommend that they have an idea of their intended listening audience. Basically, decide what your show will be about.
You can have sub-topics, but have a primary focus point of your show so that people will be able to find you in the many podcast directories.
I am a huge podcast consumer and listen to around 10 hours of podcasts a week, sometimes more.
I want to hear a show that is at least 30 minutes long, but no longer than an hour.
When a podcast host delivers the content I am looking for, that is what keeps me coming back for more.
As you begin to grow in your podcast, then you may want to look into having a guest on with you that you can bounce ideas off of when doing your show. It makes for a great listening experience when there are multiple people on a show as it provides a richer blend of content.
It’s a question that I get asked quite frequently.
Is it possible to monetize a new podcast? In the beginning it can be challenging. However, if you’re delivering consumable content that keeps people coming back, it will not be long until you have an audience.
Once you have established a blooming audience that is either listening or downloading your newly created podcast, beginning to monetize it is pretty straight forward.
One of the foremost experts in this area would be Pat Flynn.
Furthermore, once you begin to attract a following, the more places you can place or list your podcast, the more doors that will begin to open up for you.
It’s just like anything else. Staying consistent with the delivery of your content is essential.
Sure there will be days when you’re just not feeling it, and that’s perfectly okay.
However, you need stay the course if you are expecting to see the rewards from your efforts.
When starting a new podcast it’s about consistency.
Be willing to stay the course. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and if anything is worth having, you’re going to need to stay laser focused on the end goal.
Again, I want to go back and instill into you that podcasts is a wide open market. People are always on the lookout for new and interesting content to capture their attention.
It’s no different that what YouTube done for the video consumer.
Podcasting is to an audiophile what YouTube is to the video consumer.
I can assure you that when starting a new podcast, it will not take you long to establish a loyal listener base if you’re providing content that keeps them coming back for more.