The battle in WordPress continues and so does the endless amount of drama that it brings forth.
I just finished listening to one of my favorite podcast’s from WP-Tonic where they were discussing the every growing tension between the co-founder of WordPress and several points of contention that continue to grow with the forward movement of Gutenberg.
I think that Jonathan Denwood and his panel of host brought forth some amazing points about the current state of WordPress and how it is affecting developers across the board.
Now to be blatantly transparent, I am not a huge fan nor supporter of the Gutenberg world of things.
One of the leading areas that I have a problem with is that the co-founder of WordPress seems to be locked into his own world where everything seems to evolve around him.
Let’s keep in mind, that thousands of individuals have donated their time and talents to bring the WordPress ecosystem into what it is today.
I understand that without Matt creating this awesome tool we call WordPress, that many developers of some of the best tools would be without a career in many cases.
However, do you or should you act as though you are the one and only king?
I think not!
I, personally, feel that it is time for a change and for their to be some leadership of the WordPress non-profit foundation and to bring unity into the community.
As of right now, there is so much separation between the core users and those who rely upon third-party resources such as page builders, plugins, etc.
What’s even sadder is the rise of arguing amongst various software developers. What we need in this community right now is someone who can step in and take control of the organization and begin to bring some unity and harmony back into it.
Remember, that we all rely on WordPress and what it brings to the table to keep our agencies going strong.
This is not the time to be nitpicking at each other’s tools, but rather encourage one another along the way. That doesn’t mean that we have to agree with each other 100% of the time.
But this constant barrage of picking at each others work and tools has got to come to a halt.
I would like to think that everyone remembers 911 and all of the things that took place afterwards.
But who can recall the very one thing that was prevalent and what brought everyone together?
I was about uniting as a country and standing behind our leadership and our flag that represents freedom around the world.
Everyone came together behind our beliefs and stood together as one. It didn’t make a difference of nationality, race, or what side of the political spectrum you stood on.
This is the one thing that I see as the battle in WordPress continues and so does the amount of drama associated with it.
Make no mistake. WordPress for creating amazing sites is still at the top pick and controls nearly 48% of all online content.
So explain to me what continues to be the issue with the battle in WordPress?
There are some of the most amazing tools that are available in today’s WP ecosystem as compared to when I started using WordPress at its inception.
Tools that allow you to develop websites that would have traditionally taken hundreds of hours to hand-code can now be done in a matter of a few short weeks or even days, depending on the site’s specific needs.
It’s time for this community to come together and determine what is going to work the best for the long-haul and let’s come together and try and reduce the amount of bickering that has really started to manifest itself over the past year.
Oh and completely off topic, but one that I want to be excited about, is that Kevin Geary showed a roadmap of where Automaticcss is going to be having integration to be able to work inside of Breakdance, which will be a huge win-win for the community.
There are great things taking place in WordPress world and it’s time to focus on them and each other.
Now, more than ever, is the time to bring some harmony into our world and those who work with us or are even competitors in this incredible space of opportunity.